Island Bracelet by Jean Campbell

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Turquoise 5mm rondelle, 7 x 3 saucer, and 6mm round Japanese miracle beads

4mm rosaline Swarovski pearls

Turquoise On the Surface metallic thread

Copper heishi

Clear plastic ring from a beading wire spool

Terrifically Tacky Tape

White glue



Step 1: Apply the Tacky Tape so it covers the inside of the spool ring. Remove the protective film.

Step 2: Cut a yard's length of metallic thread and apply a small amount of glue to one end. Allow to dry.

Step 3: Stick the unglued end of the thread to the edge of the Tacky Tape. Wrap the thread around the spool ring from back to front for at least 1/4" across the front. Keep the strands right next to each other so the thread begins to cover the ring.

Step 4: Add beads to the outside of the ring. String a combination of beads or several beads of the same type. Wrap the thread around several times between the beaded sections so that you always cover blank space with the thread.
Finish a thread by sticking it to the inside of the spool. Begin a new one just as you did in Step 3.

Step 5: Finish the bracelet by wrapping thread only for at least 1/4" before the end of the spool ring.


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